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Wood Panel

Our coasters are made of high quality wood and engraved with a variety of clever sayings.  They make excellent gifts for any of your friends or loved ones!

  1. A fun thing to do in the morning is not talk to me
  2. A little bit sassy
  3. After Tuesday even the calendar says WTF
  4. And yet despite the look on my face you are still talking
  5. Apparently we are trouble together who knew
  6. Back the fuck up sprinkle tits  today is not the day I will shank you with my horn
  7. Bitch Please
  8. Buckle Up Buttercup you just flipped my witch switch
  9. Classy with a side of sassy
  10. Dear Karma I have a list of people you missed
  11. Don't be rude to me, cause my rude will outrude your rude & you'll cry
  12. Don't rush me I am waiting for the last minute
  13. Feeling kinda idgaf-ish today
  14. First of all no second of all still no
  15. Good friends don't let their friends do stupid things alone
  16. Hey I found your nose it was in my business
  17. I am a great multitasker I can listen ignore and forgot all at the same time
  18. I am the Storm round
  19. I can't be held responsible for what my face says when you speak
  20. I didn't mean to push all your buttons I was looking for mute
  21. I don't have the energy to pretend to like you today
  22. I don't just ride the crazy train I drive it
  23. I have a good heart but this mouth
  24. I have it all together I just forgot where I put it
  25. I love God but some of his children sure do get on my nerves
  26. I may be wrong but I doubt it
  27. I promise I am nicer than my face looks
  28. I suffer from that disorder where I speak the truth and other get offended
  29. I wish I was a unicorn then I could stab idiots with my horn
  30. If you met my family you would understand
  31. I'll get over it I just need to be dramatic first
  32. I'm fine but the rest of you need therapy
  33. I'm not actually funny I am  just mean and people think I must be joking
  34. I'm sorry if I offended you with my common sense
  35. Imma pray for you
  36. It's a beautiful day to leave me alone
  37. It's fine I'm fine everything is fine
  38. Just so we are clear idk. Idc. Oh yeah also IDGAF
  39. Monday should be optional
  40. My life feels like a test I didn't study for
  41. My rights don't end where your feelings begin
  42. Not today Heifer
  43. Ringmaster of the shit show
  44. Sarcasm I sprinkle that shit on everything
  45. Sarcasm is my super power
  46. Salty but sweet
  47. Sarcasm is my love language
  48. Sorry my nice button is out of order but my bite me button works just fine
  49. Suck it up buttercup
  50. That's a horrible idea lets do it
  51. The change on my mood swing just broke
  52. There's no need to repeat yourself I ignored you just fine the first time
  53. Thou shall not try me mood 24/7
  54. Too bad I don't care
  55. Too sassy for you
  56. Total sasshole
  57. Yes, I know I sweat a lot 1 I am sorry 2 I'll try to do better 3 Numbers 1&2 are lies
  58. You inspire the inner serial killer in me

Wooden Coasters - Sassy Sayings

  • Hand wash with mild soap

    Air dry

    Rub with mineral oil or cutting board oil as needed.

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